2 posts from September 2024

If You're Gonna File in Texas, You Gotta Have Your Votes in Hand

posted by Adam Levitin

J&J’s at it again with a third talc bankruptcy filing, this time in SDTX.  To paraphrase Marx, the first time was tragedy, the second time farce, and now the third time is fubar. 

Why fubar? tl;dr is that J&J's betting the case on the purported authority of a small Mississippi plaintiffs' firm to unilaterally change the votes of its joint clients from "no" to "yes". 😮🤯

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Elon's Brazilian Corporate Law Surprise

posted by Adam Levitin

Elon Musk has just learned that Brazil doesn't give a lot of credence to the fictions of corporate asset partitioning:  affiliated companies can be liable for each other's involuntary obligations.  This shouldn't be a surprise; Mariana Pargendler's work has made clear that Brazil's got a very different approach to corporate law than the US. In particular, limited liability isn't so strongly fetishized. Now if we only had some sort of legal doctrine in the US that ignored limited liability...


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  • As a public service, the University of Illinois College of Law operates Bankr-L, an e-mail list on which bankruptcy professionals can exchange information. Bankr-L is administered by one of the Credit Slips bloggers, Professor Robert M. Lawless of the University of Illinois. Although Bankr-L is a free service, membership is limited only to persons with a professional connection to the bankruptcy field (e.g., lawyer, accountant, academic, judge). To request a subscription on Bankr-L, click here to visit the page for the list and then click on the link for "Subscribe." After completing the information there, please also send an e-mail to Professor Lawless ([email protected]) with a short description of your professional connection to bankruptcy. A link to a URL with a professional bio or other identifying information would be great.