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Debt-based driving restrictions: new resources

posted by Melissa Jacoby

Professor Kate Elengold and UNC Law 2L Michael Leyendecker have just posted very useful reports for no charge on the Social Science Research Network.  In Professor Elengold's words, these reports "classify, catalog, and cite every state law restricting driving privilege based on debt owed to the state or pursuant to a state-controlled system." This includes criminal or civil fines and fees,child support, taxes, tolls, and more. The Twitter announcement of these resources indicates that they welcome additions and corrections, and that a related scholarly article from Professor Elengold will be available soon. 

Here is the driver's license suspension report. 

Here is the car registration suspension report.  


This is really helpful. I might suggest a version with endnotes rather than footnotes, so that the comparison between states is easier to read. Additionally useful would be an spreadsheet version, pared of all superscript numbers, so that a user could sort by columns and such.

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