Getting Ready for Uniform Commercial Code Reform?
IAs digital assets and emerging technologies become common in commercial transactions, state commercial law must rise to the challenge - that's the driving force behind a new set of amendments to the Uniform Commercial Code, including Article 9 governing secured transactions in personal property - such as in virtual currencies and nonfungible tokens.
No state has enacted the amendments yet,* but prior reforms to Article 9, at least, have been remarkably successful at achieving broad enactment. Consider, for example, the visual of the 2010 amendments to Article 9. Blue=enacted!
How to track developments? Here are some publicly available resources courtesy of the Uniform Law Commission:
First, here is where to find the actual amendments as finally approved by the Uniform Law Commission and the American Law Institute.
Second, here is a summary. Note the mention at the bottom of transition rules for lenders who followed existing law in perfecting security interests, etc. (by the way, there is not a prospective uniform effective date for these amendments).
Third, videos! Here's one highlighting the changes for digital assets. And here's another on other matters covered in the amendments.
Fourth, here's where proposed bills and enactment information will be tracked.
*According to the digital assets video, some states adopted earlier versions of part or all of these amendments (New Hampshire, Iowa, Nebraska, Indiana, Arkansas, and Texas) but are expected to update those to conform with the final versions. Wyoming and Idaho went their own way on commercial transactions in digital assets.