Annotated Bibliography of Histories of Debt and Bankruptcy
I just read a really fabulous annotated bibliography of books (alas, articles by such luminaries as Emily Kadens are excluded) on the history of credit, debt, and bankruptcy in the United States. Many of my favorites are on here, along with a few new entrants with which I was, embarrassingly, unfamiliar. This is a great resource for new lawyers and law professors, in particular, but also for anyone interested in this fascinating history and/or looking for something to help while away the cold, blizzard-bound winter hours. Enjoy!
Thank you, Jason. A follow up, an annotated bibliography of ARTICLES is in process . . . .
-Josiah Daniel
Visiting Scholar
Department of History, UT Austin
Retired Partner in Residence
Vinson & Elkins, Dallas
Posted by: Josiah M. Daniel, III | February 04, 2022 at 08:23 PM
Awesome. Thanks for the tip--and thanks Josiah.
Posted by: vsjb | February 07, 2022 at 08:55 AM