American Bar Association: exempt lawyers from FDCPA
The American Bar Association, at the urging of its debt collection lawyer members, is supporting HR 5082, which would partly exempt lawyers from the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. Misrepresenting the bill as a technical clarification, the ABA is throwing its support, despite the consumer bar's opposition, behind legislation that would insulate collection lawyers from federal civil liability for venue abuse, sewer service, suits to collect time-barred or bankrupted debts, and garnishment of exempt wages and savings. Under an Administration undermining consumer protection and the rule of law at every turn, the ABA could deploy its lobbying clout in service of far more worthy causes.
Obviously you have never been sued under the FDCPA by some jerk debtor's attorney for a minor violation. The original act, which exempted attorneys, was amended in 1985 to include attorneys by merely removing the attorney exemption and not amending the act itself to make sense when applied to attorneys. The change is akin to having a manual on heart surgery and just changing the word heart to brain, with a resulting brain surgery manual.
Posted by: Doug Evans | November 19, 2018 at 10:32 AM