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John Oliver and Consumer Law YouTube Videos

posted by Dalié Jiménez

I'm trying something new this year. My consumer bankruptcy policy seminar students will read many great articles by many wonderful academics on this blog, as well as others, but this year, their "reading" will also include a great deal of YouTube.

90% of the videos are John Oliver segments from his excellent show on HBO, Last Week Tonight. They cover particular "products" (student loans, credit reports, debt buying, payday loans, auto loans, retirement plans and financial advisors) and middle class issues (minimum wage, wage gap, wealth gap, paid family leave).

I thought Credit Slips readers might enjoy seeing them all in one place. Here they are in no particular order. Let me know if I've missed any!


I also like to use some podcasts, such as this one on debt collection (http://www.npr.org/sections/money/2014/10/08/354591198/episode-574-the-buffalo-talk-off)

I referenced some of these segments, along with showing screenshots on slides, when discussing "non-bankruptcy collection law" in bankruptcy class last week. For those who use the Warren, Westbrook, Porter, & Pottow casebook, one part of the recent auto loan segment (around minute 5) is a perfect introduction to the car repossession problem in assignment 2.

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