Nobody Told Us
Yesterday Senator Warren rightly excoriated former Fed consumer regulator, now industry lawyer Leonard Chanin after he claimed that, prior to the 2008 crisis, the Federal Reserve Board had only anecdotal evidence that subprime mortgages were a problem. Mr. Chanin served for many years as counsel for the Fed's Consumer and Community Affairs division. In fact, three times a year, from 1996 until 2007, members of the Fed's consumer advisory council called for regulation of subprime mortgages. The Fed held regular hearings where witnesses told Mr. Chanin and his colleagues that 1) subprime foreclosures were a serious and growing problem and 2) Congress gave the Fed legal authority to do something about it. Here are a couple of instances in which I can recall having personally warned them.
Yup, nobody ever acknowledges my 8-year old email "signature":
"Over time, whoever controls the money system
controls the nation."
Stephen Zarlenga (author of The Lost Science of Money;
· HR2990; died in Congress – of course!
and I could add:
whoever benefits from the existing system has no moral nerve to go against it. It is not so much lawyers, who know how to navigate the ill conceived, man made systems, we need but people who understand the Nature of Money and how it can benefit ALL.
Ultimately it is the common man (Mensch!) who needs to be included in this important discussion which could really be accessible in its simple truths (see K. Galbraith) and thereby generate the support this issue deserves.
Posted by: Mario Geilen | April 10, 2016 at 02:23 PM