It Is Very Expensive To Be Poor
Cash checking fees, prepaid card fees, money transfer fees, cashier's check fees -- all together, the unbanked pay up to 10% of their income simply to use their own money. And when lower-income people face an emergency, they must turn to expensive payday loans, title loans, and tax refund loans. As Mehrsa Baradaran (University of Georgia) writes in her new book, How the Other Half Banks: Exclusion, Exploitation, and the Threat to Democracy, "indeed, it is very expensive to be poor."
How did this happen? And how might we begin to solve the problem? In her book, Baradaran details how banks and government are and always have been inextricably tied, with the government helping banks and the banks supposedly helping the public in return. But this "social contract" has eroded. The banking sector has turned away from less profitable markets, leaving people with small sums of money to deposit without a trustworthy place to stash their cash, and people in need of small sums of money to borrow nowhere to turn but fringe lenders. Moreover, these people understandably often are uncomfortable dealing with large banks. And the result is that an astonishing large chunk of the American population is unbanked or underbanked.
If the unbanked and underbanked had a trustworthy place to deposit their cash, some of the fees they pay simply to use their money would go away. This alone might allow families to stay financially afloat. Likewise, if they had the option to borrow small sums of money at reasonable rates, temporary financial emergencies may not set so many families up for a lifetime of financial failure. Which leads Baradaran to a proposal that I’m fond of (indeed, I’ve blogged about Baradaran’s thoughts on it before): postal banking.
Postal banking, even if the post office system only is used to accept small dollar deposits, may represent the best current option to at least provide lower-income people with gloves to protect themselves while they are juggling. And history tells us that it might strengthen our banking system to boot. If you want to know more about this fascinating history and the full potential of postal banking, pick up a copy of Baradaran's book. And if you want even more convincing, watch her discuss the book here.
With such a huge percentage of the country living on significantly low incomes, cash can be hard to come by. There are solutions to your cash problem though and Green Leaf Loan Groups is one of them. Regardless of bad credit, you can get cash today:
Posted by: Ashley | October 08, 2015 at 12:06 PM
Depending on which state you are in, the cost of credit per $100 borrowed will vary from $15-$25. The annual percentage rate is currently around 651.79%.
visit their website for details.
Posted by: James | October 14, 2015 at 08:34 PM
I just finished a book that discussed the same thing! It should NOT be expensive to be poor. How is anyone supposed to get out of a situation like that? I highly recommend "Financial Inclusion at the Bottom of the Pyramid" by authors Carol Realini and Karl Mehta ( <---- (they have a great financial blog too). It focuses on the very serious issue of financial inclusion and exclusion throughout the world (especially here in the US). There are so many people who do not have access or choose to avoid banking services. While the wealthy take financial security and banking services for granted, there are billions of people who struggle. This book explains why this is happening and what we can do to help! You don't have to be a leader or professional in the financial service market to make a difference. I finished this book feeling very well versed on the subject and motivated to help. I hope you will check it out
Posted by: Deborah Starling | October 31, 2015 at 11:05 AM