That New Song About Bills
You may have heard it. It was on the radio the last three mornings as I drove to work. It goes, "I got bills I gotta pay, so I'm gonn' work work work every day." It made me think about bankruptcy (naturally). And it is really catchy. The song's simply titled, "Bills," and is LunchMoney Lewis's debut single. The lyrics reference empty fridges, cars not starting, shoes without "soul," praying that cards won't be declined, and, of course, piles of bills. The music video features an adorable girl and her lemonade stand, complete with a credit card reader made out of cardboard.
When asked about the song, Lewis said: "I feel like people relate to 'Bills' no matter where you’re from. Whether you’re very middle class or you’re lower class or you’re in the projects or you’re upper middle class. We all get bills. . . . That’s why I wanted to turn it into something positive, like when you hear 'Bills' it kind of makes you feel happy, you know?" (full interview). The song made me smile, and apparently is rapidly climbing the pop charts.
Check out the official video for some Friday fun.