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A World Without Harvey

posted by John Pottow

Here's an early obit.  It's hard for me to imagine a chapter 11 world without Harvey Miller.  Although the adjective is over-used, I think it would be difficult to argue the man was not transformative to bankruptcy law.  He was an incredible mentor, and I am honored to have considered him a friend.  I can't count  how many younger lawyers in the field he encouraged and taught, in so many ways.  It's just hard to imagine a world without his seemingly indefatigable spirit.  Harvey makes -- made, I'm still adjusting to the past tense -- you feel both energized and exhausted at the same time after an engagement.  It's a sad day, but happy too, I suppose, knowing what a great run he had.  Trite, I apologize, but he was a rare breed, indeed.


Harvey was nothing short of an institution. There really wasn't anyone else like him in bankruptcy law. Besides his role as lawyer in numerous groundbreaking chapter 11s, Harvey trained legions of lawyers, who now populate many of the leading chapter 11 practices. Our field will be poorer without him.

I was privileged to work with him during my brief time in practice. He was demanding and not always easy-going, but he was eager to teach (and was gracious enough to indulge my requests for old war stories), and he had a particular talent for seeing the forest for the trees. He also had a rare ability to command a room with his presence. I'll miss him.

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