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Pick up A Copy of Financial Justice: The People’s Campaign to Stop Industry Abuse (but first watch three cool videos here)

posted by Nathalie Martin

I recently read a review of the book Financial Justice: The People’s Campaign to Stop Industry Abuse, by economist Larry Kirsch and University of Utah professor Robert N. Mayer. The favorable review induced me to sit down and read the book, all in one sitting. This book about how grassroots efforts helped create the CFPB is a page-tuner. Written for lawyer and non-lawyer alike, it chronicles the entire political battle, along with the political personalities, the policy, the compromises, and the people who made it happen, both up front and behind the scenes. Written for lawyers and non-lawyers alike it is, informal, campy in a good way, and very entertaining.

It is a celebration of Senator Elizabeth Warren and all that she has done, but is also an example of we what we all can do to bring about our own version of justice. Incidentally, it contains a few quotes from credit slips, as well as a quote from our colleague Katie Porter. It also references these two fantastic video, here and here  about the CFPB process.  Although not mentioned in the book, these videos reminded me of another video about the Senator I rather enjoy, found here.
Even though the Senator has now written her own book about her life and others have written about her too, Financial Justice is worth your time,  not just for what it says about the Senator but what it says about the capacity of the rest of us as well.It's a truly populist story.


$50 on Amazon. For 168 pages of text. Wow. Quite a price for a book about financial justice... No matter how good the book is, this drips of irony.

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