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Don't Fancy Games (For Your Kids' Financial Education)? How About The Theatre?

posted by Melissa Jacoby

MoneyTree"Make it fun and they will come," Lauren Willis discussed in the instructive post that evaluated the pros and cons of "The Gamification of Financial Education." Meanwhile, in London, a live show has been designed for children as young as five to teach them about the financial system. Interesting story on the show in The Guardian here. Tickets to "Bank On It" (running through the 14th of July) and other information here.   

Money tree image courtesy of Shutterstock 


I think it is so important for parents to get their kids involved in money as early as possible--my kids are still preschoolers, but we're already using tools like chore charts and http://www.bankaroo.com to try to get them familiar with how to handle it. Bravo to the creators of the program!

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