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Credit Card Data

posted by Katie Porter

The CFPB released a beta version of its complaint database on June 19th. Right now, one can only search credit card complaints, which the CFPB began taking on the first birthday of its creation, July 21, 2011. My takeaway is that this is major step forward for the disclosure of complaint data but that the "beta" in the website is well-deserved. You can see some neat graphics and and best of all you can download the raw data. One problem is that this is SO apparently cutting-edge and sophisticated that I couldn't figure out how to use many of the features after a half-hour of poking around (and while some may disagree, I think it's safe to say I have more technology and statistical skills than the vast majority of U.S. consumers). Below was my effort to use the "embed" graphic feature that is touted as allowing one to "publish this dataset on the internet at large."


And yes, I know the graphic does not appear and the hyperlink does not work. If you cut and paste it into a window (old school), it does appear.


i emailed your post to myself (gmail to yahoo) and the link worked...

maybe there are some special characters, or the final =, that typepad wont handle?

I would try: https://data.consumerfinance.gov/dataset/Complaints-by-issue/c2vc-5i9b/widget_preview?width=760&height=646

Appears the id= is truncated

Still, it looks like an index to a telephone book. Precision data is lacking.

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