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Learn about Teaching Consumer Law at Houston Law Center May 18-19, 2012

posted by Nathalie Martin

On May 18-19, the Center for Consumer Law at the University of Houston Law Center will hold its sixth bi-annual Teaching Consumer Law Conference. This year’s theme is “Teaching Consumer Law in an Evolving Economy.” I have always enjoyed this conference as it is the only one in the country devoted exclusively to teaching consumer law.  It is designed for those currently teaching consumer law, those interested in teaching, as well as those who just wants to know more about consumer law issues. More than 30 presenters will discuss issues ranging from Fringe Banking, Debt Collection and Advertising, to Foreclosure, Payments and Arbitration.  For example, I will moderate a panel with Max Weinstein of Harvard and fellow blogger Jean Braucher, discussing how to fill unmet need for foreclosure defense through foreclosure defense clinics. There also are several presentations discussing consumer law from an international perspective, as well as discussions of teaching U.S. Housing Policy, foreclosure defense clinics, consumer arbitration, international perspectives, what’s new with the FTC, substantive regulation versus disclosure, and a host of other hot topics.  . Presenters include law faculty, adjunct faculty, and practicing attorneys. For more information and a registration form, go to http://www.peopleslawyer.net/for-the-lawyers.html.  For even more information, call or e-mail Richard M. Alderman, Associate Dean, Dwight Olds Chair, and Director of the Center for Consumer Law, at 713-743-2165 or [email protected].



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