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Thank you to Anna Gelpern

posted by Adam Levitin

As the first snow of the season swirls around here in Washington, I'd like, on behalf of the Slips, to thank Anna Gelpern for her guest-blogging tour of duty. Anna introduced us to some of the international aspects of the financial crisis, and we should be forever greatful for her linguistic innovation: "illinquency". Perhaps a financial institution will adopt as its motto the Gelpernian variation on the old Frankie Lymon doo-wop song: "I'm not a juvenile illinquent."

Thanks Anna!


I just wanted to say Thank you for this site. I'm new to it and only discovered it after seeing Adam Levitin on TV at the hearings. I at least feel that I can trust the info that I read here. Thanks to all of you.
Happy and Safe Holidays.

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