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Welcome to Dr. Viviana Zelizer

posted by Debb Thorne

I am pleased to welcome this week's guest blogger and fellow sociologist, Dr. Viviana Zelizer. Dr. Zelizer is the Lloyd Cotsen '50 Professor of Sociology at Princeton University and author of several publications that focus on issues of money--a subject that is, surprisingly and unfortunately, seldom studied by sociologists. Dr. Zelizer's most recent books, The Social Meaning of Money (1994) and The Purchase of Intimacy (2005), are not only great reads, but they have also been very influential in my own work and serve as the gold standard for the few sociologists who do research in this area. I am thrilled that Dr. Zelizer has agreed to join us this week; I have no doubt that even those folks who are not sociologists will find her contribution quite valuable.


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